Loose Hinges
You can usually tell if a door has loose hinges or joints as it will begin to catch on the floor when opening and closing. You may be able to tighten the screws in the hinges and fix the problem.
However, if the screws will not tighten, then remove them and fill the holes by drilling out the loose hole with an 8 mm drill bit and pushing glued dowels inside. Once dry, trim off the dowel and drill new holes for the screws. If the door is still hanging while you work on the hinges, prop it up into the correct position to avoid excess weight pulling on the good hinge.
Wooden Door Repair In Dubai
Wooden Sliding Door Repairs
Wooden Garage Door Repair
Breakdown Repair
Breakdown maintenance is maintenance performed on a piece of equipment that has broken down, faulted, or otherwise cannot be operated. The goal of breakdown maintenance is to fix something that has malfunctioned. On the contrary, preventive maintenance is performed to keep something running. However, breakdown maintenance can be planned for in advance, which is what we might call “good” breakdown maintenance.
Wooden Door Repair In Dubai
A door frame goes through a lot of wear and tear as you use the door, so it’s bound to get damaged from time to time. Cosmetic damage is really easy to repair, but structural damage like wood rot and cracks may require you to remove and replace sections of the frame. No matter what happens to your door frame, we can easily help you fix it so it looks as good as new.If there’s severe damage, cut out the damaged section or replace the entire door jamb
Wooden Door Repair In Dubai
If your door has been untreated and has gone rotten along the bottom or at the joints you may be able to repair it. However, if the area of rot is too large, you will need to replace the door. Using a sharp chisel, cut away all of the rotten wood. Then using a hot-air gun, or a hair dryer if you don’t have one, dry the exposed wood. Once it is fully dry, paint with a wood hardener and wait for this to fully soak in and dry. You can then fill the area you removed with some good quality wood filler to build up the surface:
Wooden Door Repair In Dubai